
Upper Austria
Industry - Culture - Nature - Science

Herausgeber: Abteilung Kommunikation und Medien

Broschüre - A4 - Format - 24 Seiten

Erschienen 2023

Titelbild: ©Creativemarc -; ©Dachstein & Eishöhlen GmbH; mr. Dr. Josef König; u. Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Robert Maybach

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Upper Austria's strong standing as a dynamic and highly successful economic area in the European Union, as well as its social network, make a significant contribution to the attractiveness of our state, and the high quality of life of its inhabitants. A comprehensive range of cultural attractions and leisure activities makes Upper Austria an attractive place to live and tourist destination. Tradition, innovation and openness are crucial cornerstones of the state.

German brochure "Oberösterreich" - Wirtschaft - Kultur - Natur - Wissenschaften